Our Mission

The mission of Canine Classmates is to encourage and improve literacy and socialization skills for struggling and at-risk Pre-K through 5th grade students through pairing mentors and trained service dogs in a one-on-one program that is positive, nurturing and motivational.

Get Involved

Canine Classmates is always looking for more volunteers! Our organization relies on the individuals and businesses in our community and surrounding areas. Whether it is helping financially with donations, or showing up in-person, we can always use the extra help.

Learn more

McKenna Foundation Donation

McKenna Foundation Donation

Canine Classmates would like to thank McKenna Foundation for their recognition of the importance of the Literacy Intervention Program...

Thank you GVTC Foundation

Thank you GVTC Foundation

CANINE CLASSMATES would like to thank GVTC Foundation for their sponsorship of the 2021 GALA, August 6th. The event is a celebration...

Read what schools are saying

“It’s amazing to watch students who hate to read become so enthusiastic.  A real measure of success is when they start bringing their own books from home to read to Kaiser.”
“One boy had difficulty reading aloud, he read one time to Kaiser and really opened up.  In fact, when he left the room with Kaiser, he was telling the other kids, Hey, read this book to him!  He likes it.”
“Student enjoyed reading and visiting with Kaiser.  On the days Kaiser was at school, it was a bright spot for the student in an otherwise rough school week.”
“Program is definitely beneficial to a struggling reader.”
“Student is more eager to read and willing to try.”

Canine Classmates

P.O. Box 1381
Canyon Lake, TX 78133